Sunday, December 15, 2013

Jays Purple Posts

 Monday-Nerd Day: Nerd quotes
Someone who doesn't take herself too seriously and can be a goofball. Because everyone's a nerd inside, I don't care how cool you are. Channing Tatum 
Call me a nerd if you like, but I do find it hard to leave home without my laptop and a good book.
Moby.  I've always been such a nerd Grimes I loved school. I studied like crazy. I was a Class A nerd. Maya Lin 
Tuesday- Geek Day: Valentine's Day Geeky/Nerdy Poem by fallenglory (its not valentimes day but whatever) 
Roses are red 
The Tardis is blue,
just like my heart until I met you 
I would take an arrow in the knee for you any day 
I would travel to middle earth just to hear what you say 
I'll be your compassion cube, even when the cake is a  lie 
I would fight for you even if I couldn't respawn, if I would die
Equivalent exchange, half of your heart to me, half of my heart to you  
You're the Link to my Zelda, the Peach to my Mario 
You're my superhero the H2 to my O  
My heart is like Tetris and you're the right piece 
Beam me up, Scotty straight to your heart with ease 
My heart is a car and you committed grand theft auto 
I don't want to be like Han, celebrating this day 'Solo' 
You're my Pikachu 

Wednesday- Gamer Day: PewDiePie... Gotta Love him 

Thursday- Random Day: Hi geeks, nerds,and's the writing prompts of the day

Among all shapes with the same area circle has the shortest perimeter

-A moody art student who is seeking True Love
-If I had 24 hours to live.....Comment Below :)
Friday- Video Day: Vsauce& DNews.. Enjoy

Saturday: Feedback Day- Sorry guys if I haven't been posting. School...... But Comment and Like if you loved this weeks purple posts.
Sunday: Did you know Mathematical Facts
π=3.14159 26535 89793 23846 26433 83279 50288 41971 69399 37510 58209 74944 59230 78164 06286 20899 86280 34825 34211 70679 82148 08651 32823 ...
A sphere has two sides. However, there are one-sided surfaces.
There are shapes of constant width other than the circle. One can even drill square holes.
There are just five regular polyhedra
In a group of 23 people, at least two have the same birthday with the probability greater than 1/2
Everything you can do with a ruler and a compass you can do with the compass alone
Among all shapes with the same perimeter a circle has the largest area.
There are curves that fill a plane without holes
Much as with people, there are irrational, perfect, complex numbers
As in philosophy, there are transcendental numbers
As in the art, there are imaginary and surreal numbers
A straight line has dimension 1, a plane - 2. Fractals have mostly fractional dimension
You are wrong if you think Mathematics is not fun
Mathematics studies neighborhoods, groups and free groups, rings, ideals, holes, poles and removable poles, trees, growth ...
Mathematics also studies models, shapes, curves, cardinals, similarity, consistency, completeness, space ...
Among objects of mathematical study are heredity, continuity, jumps, infinity, infinitesimals, paradoxes...
Last but not the least, Mathematics studies stability, projections and values, values are often absolute but may also be extreme, local or global.
Trigonometry aside, Mathematics comprises fields like Game Theory, Braids Theory, Knot Theory and more
One is morally obligated not to do anything impossible
Some numbers are square, yet others are triangular
The next sentence is true but you must not believe it
The previous sentence was false
12+3-4+5+67+8+9=100 and there exists at least one other representation of 100 with 9 digits in the right order and math operations in between
One can cut a pie into 8 pieces with three movements
Program=Algorithms+Data Structures
There is something the dead eat but if the living eat it, they die.
A clock never showing right time might be preferable to the one showing right time twice a day


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