Sunday, December 15, 2013

Jays Purple Posts

 Monday-Nerd Day: Nerd quotes
Someone who doesn't take herself too seriously and can be a goofball. Because everyone's a nerd inside, I don't care how cool you are. Channing Tatum 
Call me a nerd if you like, but I do find it hard to leave home without my laptop and a good book.
Moby.  I've always been such a nerd Grimes I loved school. I studied like crazy. I was a Class A nerd. Maya Lin 
Tuesday- Geek Day: Valentine's Day Geeky/Nerdy Poem by fallenglory (its not valentimes day but whatever) 
Roses are red 
The Tardis is blue,
just like my heart until I met you 
I would take an arrow in the knee for you any day 
I would travel to middle earth just to hear what you say 
I'll be your compassion cube, even when the cake is a  lie 
I would fight for you even if I couldn't respawn, if I would die
Equivalent exchange, half of your heart to me, half of my heart to you  
You're the Link to my Zelda, the Peach to my Mario 
You're my superhero the H2 to my O  
My heart is like Tetris and you're the right piece 
Beam me up, Scotty straight to your heart with ease 
My heart is a car and you committed grand theft auto 
I don't want to be like Han, celebrating this day 'Solo' 
You're my Pikachu 

Wednesday- Gamer Day: PewDiePie... Gotta Love him 

Thursday- Random Day: Hi geeks, nerds,and's the writing prompts of the day

Among all shapes with the same area circle has the shortest perimeter

-A moody art student who is seeking True Love
-If I had 24 hours to live.....Comment Below :)
Friday- Video Day: Vsauce& DNews.. Enjoy

Saturday: Feedback Day- Sorry guys if I haven't been posting. School...... But Comment and Like if you loved this weeks purple posts.
Sunday: Did you know Mathematical Facts
π=3.14159 26535 89793 23846 26433 83279 50288 41971 69399 37510 58209 74944 59230 78164 06286 20899 86280 34825 34211 70679 82148 08651 32823 ...
A sphere has two sides. However, there are one-sided surfaces.
There are shapes of constant width other than the circle. One can even drill square holes.
There are just five regular polyhedra
In a group of 23 people, at least two have the same birthday with the probability greater than 1/2
Everything you can do with a ruler and a compass you can do with the compass alone
Among all shapes with the same perimeter a circle has the largest area.
There are curves that fill a plane without holes
Much as with people, there are irrational, perfect, complex numbers
As in philosophy, there are transcendental numbers
As in the art, there are imaginary and surreal numbers
A straight line has dimension 1, a plane - 2. Fractals have mostly fractional dimension
You are wrong if you think Mathematics is not fun
Mathematics studies neighborhoods, groups and free groups, rings, ideals, holes, poles and removable poles, trees, growth ...
Mathematics also studies models, shapes, curves, cardinals, similarity, consistency, completeness, space ...
Among objects of mathematical study are heredity, continuity, jumps, infinity, infinitesimals, paradoxes...
Last but not the least, Mathematics studies stability, projections and values, values are often absolute but may also be extreme, local or global.
Trigonometry aside, Mathematics comprises fields like Game Theory, Braids Theory, Knot Theory and more
One is morally obligated not to do anything impossible
Some numbers are square, yet others are triangular
The next sentence is true but you must not believe it
The previous sentence was false
12+3-4+5+67+8+9=100 and there exists at least one other representation of 100 with 9 digits in the right order and math operations in between
One can cut a pie into 8 pieces with three movements
Program=Algorithms+Data Structures
There is something the dead eat but if the living eat it, they die.
A clock never showing right time might be preferable to the one showing right time twice a day


Sunday, December 1, 2013

Weeks Posts- Lauren

Monday: Nerd Day- Grade Memes I got a 84 in a class LOL

Tuesday: Geek Day- 

Note: PC = Personal Computer

 Computer Vocabulary

URL= uniform resource locator

anti-virus software - A program that finds and removes viruses from a computer.

backup - A copy of files from a computer's hard disk, usually made on some external medium such as CD-ROM or flash drive. A backup is made in case the hard disk file(s) are erased or damaged.

bit, bytes - A bit is the smallest piece of information that computers use. For simplicity, a PC uses bits in groups of 8 called bytes (8 bits = 1 byte).

Bluetooth - a way of communicating wirelessly over short distances between electronic devices (for example computer and mobile telephone)

boot, boot up, boot disk - You boot (or boot up) your computer when you switch it on and wait while it prepares itself. Instructions for startup are given to the computer from the boot disk, which is usually the hard disk.

browser, to browse - A browser is a program like Firefox or Internet Explorer. You use it to view or browse the Internet.

bug - A (small) defect or fault in a program.

cache - A kind of memory used to make a computer work faster.

CD-ROM - A disk for storing computer information. It looks like an audio CD.

CPU - Central Processing Unit. This is a PC's heart or "brains".

data - usually means the information (text, pictures, audio etc) that you create or share on a computer, as opposed to the programs that manipulate the data.

DOS - Disk Operating System. The original system used for PCs, where you typed in commands instead of pointing and clicking.

driver - A small program that tells a PC how a peripheral works.

ebook - an electronic book that can be downloaded and read on a computer or other device.

electronic mail (email, e-mail) - Messages sent from one computer to another. You can see email on the screen or print it out.

file - a specific computer record; it could contain data such as text (eg essay.doc), or a program such as paint.exe.

floppy disk - A cheap, removable disk used for storing or transferring information. It is floppy (soft) because it is plastic. (Now virtually obsolete.) See hard disk.

floppy drive - The device used to run a floppy disk (usually drive "A".) (Now virtually obsolete.)

folder (directory) - A sub-division of a computer's hard disk into which you put files.

font - A particular sort of lettering (on the screen or on paper). Arial is a font. Times New Roman is another.

format - All hard disks and floppy disks have to be electronically prepared for use by a process called formatting. Hard disks are pre-formatted by the computer manufacturer. If you buy a floppy disk that is not pre-formatted, you format it yourself, using a program that comes with your PC.

graphics card - The equipment inside a computer that creates the image on the screen.

hard disk - The main disk inside a computer used for storing programs and information. It is hard because it is metal. See floppy disk.

hotspot - an area that has an available wireless signal for Internet access (usually public).

icon - A small image or picture on a computer screen that is a symbol for folders, disks, peripherals, programs etc.

Internet - International network of computers that you connect to by telephone line. Two popular services of the Internet are the World Wide Web and electronic mail.

iPad - a tablet computer created by Apple.

Kb, Mb, Gb - kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes. Used to measure computer memory and storage.

Kindle - a device for downloading and reading ebooks, developed by

memory - Memory is for the temporary storing of information while a computer is being used. See RAM, ROM and Cache.

MHz - Megahertz. This describes the speed of computer equipment. The higher the MHz the better the performance.

modem - Equipment connected to a computer for sending/receiving digital information by telephone line. You may need a modem to connect to the Internet, to send electronic mail and to fax.

notebook - a notebook computer; a laptop computer; a folding, portable computer.

operating system (OS) - The basic software that manages a computer (for example, Windows 7, OS X, Unix, iOS).

OCR - Optical Character Recognition. OCR lets a PC read a fax or scanned image and convert it to actual lettering.

palmtop - a computer that is small enough to sit on the palm of the hand.

parallel port - A socket at the back of a computer for connecting external equipment or peripherals, especially printers.

PC card - A device that is the same size as a thick credit card, for plugging into a slot on notebook computers. You can buy memory, modems and hard disks as PC cards.

PDA - abbreviation of "personal digital assistant".

peripheral - Any equipment that is connected externally to a computer. For example, printers, scanners and modems are peripherals.

pixel - The image that you see on the screen is made of thousands of tiny dots, points or pixels.

program Software that operates a PC and does various things, such as writing text (word-processing program), keeping accounts (accounts program) and drawing pictures (graphics program).

QWERTY - The first 6 letters on English-language keyboards are Q-W-E-R-T-Y. The first 6 letters on French-language keyboards are A-Z-E-R-T-Y.

RAM, ROM - Two types of memory. RAM (Random Access Memory) is the main memory used while the PC is working. RAM is temporary. ROM (Read Only Memory) is for information needed by the PC and cannot be changed.

resolution - The number of dots or pixels per inch (sometimes per centimetre) used to create the screen image.

scanner - Equipment for converting paper documents to electronic documents that can be used by a computer.

serial port - Socket at the back of a PC for connecting peripherals (obsolescent).

smartphone - a mobile phone that includes a palmtop computer or PDA and also gives access to Internet and email.

tablet - a tablet computer; a mobile computer consisting of a screen only, and controlled by touching the screen.

TFT - Thin Film Transistor, a type of high quality screen for notebook computers.

USB - abbreviation of "universal serial bus"; a standardized connection for attaching devices to computers etc.

USB flash drive - a small, external device for storing data; it connects through the USB socket.

virus - A small, unauthorized program that can damage a PC.

Wi-Fi - a system for communicating without wires over a computer network.

Windows - An operating system used by the majority of PCs.

World Wide Web, WWW, the Web - WWW are initials that stand for World Wide Web. The Web is one of the services available on the Internet. It lets you access millions of pages through a system of links. Because it is "world-wide", it was originally called the World Wide Web or WWW.

WYSIWIG - "What You See Is What You Get." With a WYSIWIG program, if you print a document it looks the same on paper as it looks on the screen.

Wednesday: Gamer Day: Virtual Worlds Suggestions
1. Onverse
2. Free Realms
3. Smallworlds
4. WoozWorld
5. Movie Star Planet

Thursday Random Day- IceCream is A  puppet.... you control it o.o

Friday Video Day: YouTube Channels you should subscribe to
1. PewDiePie
2. SmartlilSpunk Lauren ( My channel)
5.Floreance and the Machine VEVO
Saturday Feedback- Hey Nerds, Geeks, and Gamers! How are Jay and I doing? Good or Bad? Email me at

Sunday Did you know that.... Day- Animal Facts
Pea crabs (the size of a pea) are the smallest crabs in the world.
75% of wild birds die before they are 6 months old.
The pig is rated the fourth most intelligent animal but are mentioned only twice in the Bible
Sheep are mentioned 45 times and goats 88 times in the Bible. Dogs are mentioned 14 times and lions 89 times, but
domestic cats are not mentioned.
Pork is the world’s most widely-eaten meat.
In Denmark there are twice as many pigs as people.
Dinosaurs did not eat grass: there weren’t any at that time.
The coyote is a member of the dog family and its scientific name, “canis latrans” means barking dog.
A giraffe can clean its ears with its 50cm (20 in) tongue.
A group of geese on the ground is a gaggle – a group of geese in the air is a skein. More animal collective nouns
The South American giant anteater eats more than 30,000 ants a day.
It is impossible to out-swim a shark – sharks reach speeds of 44 mph (70 km/h). Humans can run about 21 mph (35 km/h).
The sailfish is the fastest swimmer, reaching 68 mph (109 km/h), although a black marlin has been clocked at 80 mph (128 km/h).
The slowest fish is the Sea Horse, which moves along at about 0.01 mph (0.016 km/h).
Dolphins can reach 37 mph (60 km/h).
Of the 650 types of leeches, only the Hirudo medicinalis is used for medical treatments.
The heart of a blue whale is the size of a small car.
The tongue of a blue whale is as long as an elephant.
A blue whale weighs as much as 40 rhinos.
The eel is the only fish in the world that spawns in the middle of an ocean but spends its adult lives in rivers.
The scales of a crocodile are made of ceratin, the same substance that hooves and fingernails are made of.
A crocodile’s tongue is attached to the roof of its mouth and cannot move it.
A snail has two pairs of tentacles on its head. One pair is longer than the other and houses the eyes. The shorter pair is used for smelling and feeling its way around. (Some snail species have only one pair of tentacles, thus they have just one eye.)
The heaviest crustacean ever found was a lobster weighing 42 lb (19 kg), caught in 1934.
The largest jellyfish ever caught measured 7’6″ (2,3 m) across the bell with a tentacle of 120 ft (36 m) long.
The largest giant squid ever recorded was captured in the North Atlantic in 1878. It weighed 4 tons. Its tentacles measured 10 m (35 ft) long.
The giant squid has the biggest eyes of any animal: its eyes measure 16 inches (40 cm) in diameter.
Domestic cats purr at about 26 cycles per second, the same frequency as an idling diesel engine.
Sharks are immune to almost all known diseases.
Sharks and rays also share the same kind of skin: instead of scales, they have small tooth-like spikes called denticles. The spikes are so sharp that shark skin has long been used as sandpaper.
Animals also are either right-handed or left-handed. Polar bears are left-handed – and so is Kermit the Frog.
There are 701 types of pure breed dogs. There are about 54 million dogs in the US, and Paris is said to have more dogs than people.
Some bird species, usually flightless birds, have only a lower eyelid, whereas pigeons use upper and lower lids to blink.
Fish and insects do not have eyelids – their eyes are protected by a hardened lens.
Flatfish (halibut, flounder, turbot, and sole) hatch like any other “normal” fish. As they grow, they turn sideways and one eye moves around so they have two eyes on the side that faces up.
Measured in straight flight, the spine-tailed swift is the fastest bird. It flies 106 mph (170 km/h). Second fastest is the Frigate, which reaches 94 mph (150 km/h).
Millions of trees are accidentally planted by squirrels who bury nuts and then forget where they hid them.
There are more than 150 million sheep in Australia, a nation of 21 million people.
New Zealand is home to 4 million people and 70 million sheeps

Facebook Page

Hey Nerds, Geeks, and Gamers,

Did you know??? We have a Facebook page. Please like?!

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Weeks Posts! 11/25/13- 12/1/13 Jaylee

Here's your week posts.

Monday-Nerd Day
For nerd day. I ask you all to take What be your nerd type test at and comment your nerd type. I am a Science/Math Nerd. (Absolute Insane Laughter as you pour toxic chemicals into a foaming tub of death!) Well, maybe you aren't this extreme, but you're in league with the crazy scientists/mathmeticians of today. Very few people have the talent of math and science is something takes a lot of brains as well. Thank whosever God you worship, or don't worship, so thank no deity whatsoever in your case, for you people! Most of us would have died off without your help.

Tuesday-Geek Day
Whats a geek? Some people think geek is a word synonym to nerd. Well according to , a geek is a digital technology expert or enthusiast (a term of pride as self-reference, but often used disparagingly by others) or a person who has excessive enthusiasm for and some expertise about a specialized subject oractivity: a foreign-film geek. However, states that a geek is the people you pick on in high school and wind up working for as an adult. Which I believe is partly true, but where does the word geek derive from? According to The first documented case of “geek” dates all the way back to 1916.  At the time, the term was used to describe sideshow freaks in circuses.  Specifically, it was typically attributed to those circus performers who were known for doing crazy things like biting the heads of various small live animals or eating live insects and the like.  These performances were often called “geek shows”.  The word itself, “geek”, came from the word “geck”, which was originally a Low German word which meant someone who is a “fool/freak/simpleton”. Comment your thoughts on the best definition of geek!

Wednesday- Gamer Day Watch PewDiePies Latest Video!!! 

As a gamer, I realize I contribute to an incredibly diverse social network of gamers around the world, and that my actions have the ability to impact others. In effort to make a positive impact, and to create a community that is welcoming to all, I pledge to not use bigoted language while gaming, online and otherwise. - See more at:

Thursday- Random Day

Word of the Day(WOD) , Analogy of the Day( AOD) , and Daily Oral Grammar (DOG)
My teacher ELA teacher usually does this, but anyways...

Word of the Day (from ) suppletory -supplying a deficiency 
 Analogy of the Day (from
HOLD : RELEASE :: simple : _____
  1. basic
  2. complex
  3. essence
Daily Oral Grammar
1. of mice and men a novel by charles dickens teached  a grim lesson abouth the nature of human exsitence
2. lennie loves to pet soft things is blind devoted to george and there is a vision of the farm and possesed incredible physical stregnth 
Post answers in the comment box!! 

Friday- Video Day

Saturday- Feedback Day

Happy Saturday Nerd, Geeks, and Gamers!
 How are we doing with our blog and how can we approve? Thanks. Post your comments in the box below or message me on Google+ Gmail:

Sunday-Did you know that????Watch these awesome Alltime10s vids

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Friday Video Day

Sorry I'm late but here's your Friday Videos!

Thanksgiving Break!!

Hey Geeks, Nerds, and Gamers!

SmartlilSpunk Lauren and I will be on Thanksgiving Break this week! Even though I loathe breaks and want to get back to school, that will be more content for you. Sorry for not posting anything!! We had a science fair project to do in 3 days and a essay that was due that same week! Happy Thanksgiving!! We are certainly thankful for you!

Friday, November 15, 2013

Random Day


If the purge was a real life event, what would you do? Well, personally I would get all the video games, electronics, and nerdiest things a dinosaur can buy!

Gamer Day- MEMES

Sorry I didn't post anything for Gamer Day, so here it is..............

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Geek Day

Hey Everyone! Its Geek Day. Read this article from

 Scientists at the Fire Safety Engineering Group of the University of Greenwich have released the next generation of the world's most advanced evacuation and crowd simulation software, buildingEXODUS. Version 6.0 incorporates capabilities to simulate human behaviour associated with the use of lifts/elevators for both evacuation and circulation. This new capability is based on data collected from an international survey involving 468 people from 23 countries, which revealed that in the event of an emergency people are less willing to wait for a lift then previously assumed.

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The software enables building engineers to perform realistic desk top simulations of people in both normal and emergency conditions. The software simulates not only how individual people interact with each other and the built environment, but also how they are debilitated by hazards such as heat, smoke and toxic gases. To simulate these complex relationships, the software uses sophisticated rule based systems to control the interaction of five advanced sub models. The software draws extensively on data and experience captured from experiments, real life incidents and international surveys. For example, the human behaviour submodel includes rules governing the behaviour of people interacting with smoke in fire situations; how people interact with wayfinding signage; and how people select whether to use a lift/elevator or an adjacent stair. The arrival of this level of sophistication on the desk top means that the building engineer can test more designs in less time to reach the optimal solution, free from costly and unrealistic assumptions.
"buildingEXODUS Version 6.0 provides building engineers with a sophisticated and powerful analysis tool to simulate and analyse crowd circulation and evacuation," says Professor Ed Galea, Director of the University's Fire Safety Engineering Group and developer of buildingEXODUS. "The capability to simulate the use of lifts for evacuation provides safety engineers with an unrivalled ability to simulate every conceivable evacuation scenario in 21st century buildings. Unlike other models, the buildingEXODUS lift model not only considers the kinematics of lift movement, it also takes into consideration human behaviour in using lifts such as the willingness for people to wait for a lift in a crowded environment during an emergency. These new capabilities represent a quantum leap in the sophistication offered by buildingEXODUS, and will help to maintain the software as one of the most advanced crowd simulation packages available."
The new release, Version 6.0, incorporates significant new modelling features allowing for the first time the simulation of evacuation and circulation in buildings using lifts/elevators. The new features include:
  • Lift/Elevator Model: A lift/elevator model has been added to buildingEXODUS to enable lifts within structures to be accurately represented for both evacuation and circulation scenarios. The model requires a set of lift attributes (i.e. dimensions, capacity, kinematics, dwell time, door opening/closing times, etc.) to be specified and human behaviour characteristics and lift dispatch commands both of which are dependent on whether an evacuation or circulation scenario is being simulated.
    • For Evacuation Scenarios: Three types of lift floor sequences are available enabling the specification of virtually any type of lift evacuation strategy; Floor Sequence, Shuttle Floor Sequence and Sky Lobby Sequence. There is also a range of human behaviour attributes to specify such as the percentage of the population likely to use the lift, probability distribution for lift wait times and probability distribution for acceptable population lift wait area population density. Default values based on an FSEG international lift evacuation study are specified for these attributes.
    • For Circulation Scenarios: A lift dispatch algorithm based on the Estimated Time To Destination, utilising the Closs rules is implemented which determines the optimal lift to dispatch following a floor call. Agents wait for the lift until it arrives. Using this algorithm it is possible to simulate the normal circulation within a building, including how the population make use of lifts.
  • Lift Itineraries: Two new itineraries have been created (i.e. Lift Bank and Lift Wait) to enable agents to interact with lifts. These itineraries enable not only the use of lifts but also control the behaviour of agents when waiting for a lift or their desire to redirect from the lift due to either excessive wait times or congestion within the lift waiting area.
  • Integrated OpenGL 3D View (Levels B and C only): Enables a rudimentary three dimensional representation of the geometry to be viewed directly from within buildingEXODUS during runtime.
  • Multithreaded: buildingEXODUS is now multithreaded, reducing run times for large jobs, making an already fast model even faster.
  • User Interface: The interface now has a tabbed menu bar allowing the user to more rapidly switch between operation modes. There are also a range of new menus and dialogue boxes associated with the use of lifts.
  • Output: A range of new output variables have been defined to measure the performance of agents using lifts such as the number of agents to use lifts, number of lift journeys, distance travelled using lifts, etc. askEXODUS has been expanded to accommodate lift data and the buildingEXODUS to vrEXODUS has been modified to enable agent movement between floors to be represented.
The sophistication of buildingEXODUS has made it one of the World's leading design tools for simulating evacuation from buildings. Since its launch in October 1996, the package has been used by engineering consultancies, architects, research laboratories, regulatory authorities, police forces, fire brigades and universities in 38 countries: Austria, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, China, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Iceland, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, Israel, Japan, Korea, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Singapore, Saudi Arabia, Slovakia, Spain, South Africa, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, UK and the USA. The package has been used to model the evacuation capabilities of a wide range of proposed or existing buildings and crowd situations, from the Love Parade disaster analysis to the Beijing Olympics, from the 911 WTC investigation to the Statue of Liberty redevelopment. The software is used in design analysis for underground stations, high-rise buildings, hospitals, shopping complexes, school buildings, museums, theatres, airport terminals, sports stadia, external crowd events -- virtually any type of situation involving the gathering or movement of people.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Nerdy quotes

“Be nice to nerds. You may end up working for them. We all could.” 
― Charles J. Sykes
“If you like nerds, raise your hand. If you don't, raise your standards.” 
“So nerds rule.” 
― Christopher Moore
“That's the wonderful thing with nerds: they're enthusiasts. Not having a life means you get to love things with a passion and nobody bothers you about it.” 
― John Burnside
“NASA scientists have discovered a new form of life, 
unfortunately, it won't date them either.” 
― Stephen Colbert
“No one messes around with a nerd’s computer and escapes unscathed.” 
― E.A. Bucchianeri
“I get obsessed by little nerdy things in my corner that no one else is interested in.” 
― Björk


According to me... a tide is causes by the gravitational pull between the moon sun and Earth XD

Sunday, November 10, 2013


The Schedule

Monday-Nerd Day
Tuesday- Geek Day
Wednesday- Gamer Day
Thursday- Random Day
Friday- Video Day
Saturday - Feedback Day
Sunday- Did you know.... Day


Hellerrr My Nerds/Nerdies, Geeks/geekets and mi, Gamerz!,
               Jay and I have noticed we have zero followers!!! :o But we have  like over 200 views! So to be more active, if our blogs interest chu.... Press da follow button it helps alot dudez


Nerd Ratings!!

Nerd Grade ratings!

A= Yes!!!!!!!!!! OMFG YESSSS!! NOW TO STUDY ;]




New Vsauce Video

All credit to Michael 

Have you ever wondered..... what they stand for??

1)Geek- Geeks love technolgy! Watch out for Hackers

2)Nerdies/Nerd- Dey don't play bout their accadimics! A+++ B's don't cut it

3)Gamers: Loveee gameessssss!!!!!! most competitive people!


HERE DEY ARE :3......

Top Geek Websites!


Thanks! Check them out soon! -Dr.Dinosaur

SmartlilSpunk's Bio

Haii :3 My name is SmartlilSpunk :3 I'm 11 and I'm cray. I love science and Imma gamerrr. Dispite how I appaer right now, I am really into................................................................................................................................................................................................. Being annoooyyyingggXD. You can read more about me on my bio you can find it @ lolahearts kitty's blogs well Baiiii :D

Did you know that???

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Join the Bro Army

Hey Gamers!! Happy Saturday!

I found this awesome YouTube channel called Pewdiepie. Check it out. He is from Sweden and he makes funny gaming videos.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Sciences Unanswered Questions

What is the universe made of?
How did life come about?
Are we alone in the universe? 
What makes us human? 
What is consciousness?
Why do we dream? 
Why does matter exist?
Are there other universes?
Where will we put all the carbon?
How can we get more energy from the sun?

More at